Verein für kontrollierte alternative Tierhaltungsformen e.V. (KAT)
Konrad-Zuse-Platz 5
53227 Bonn
Tel. 0228/95960-dial-through number
Telephone numbers of the KAT areas of responsibility
If you have questions on specific topics, you will find the direct dial telephone numbers below. A complete list of KAT contact persons with names/email addresses can be found by our members in the internal area.
Please call +49-228-95960 + (dial through number)
Feedstuff manufacturer
Hatcheries, Rearing farms, Laying farms, Packing stations, Sales points & Broker
Dyeing plants
-21 / -39
Egg product plants / Food industry (Processed goods)
Direct dial
-22 / -23 / -27
Lifestock reports
+49 171/3821330, +49 151/10172496
-23 / -27 / -22
Coloured eggs
-21 / -39 / -33
Processed goods (egg products, pasta, biscuits, etc.)
Food retail
-23 / -27
Database projects / coordination / interfaces
+49 171/3821330
+49 151 10172496
Feedstuff manufacturers
Hatcheries, Rearing farms
+49 162 21 16 820 / +49 151 101 72496 / +49 171 38 21 330
Laying farms
-21 / -32 / -39 / +49 173 7378 575 / +49 172 2121 078
Packing stations
-21 / -32 / -39 / +49 172 2121 078
Sales points & Broker
Dyeing plants
-21 / -39 / +49 173 7378 575 oder +49 172 2121 078
Eggproduct plants / Food industry (Processed goods)
Feedstuff manufacturers
Hatcheries, Rearing farms
+49 162 2116820, +49 151 10172496, +49 171 3821 330
Laying farms
+49 173 7378 575
Packing station, Sales points & Broker
Dyeing plants
Eggproduct plants / Food industry (Processed goods)
Henhouse measurement
+49 151 10172496
+49 172 3421 317
Appointment requests / On-site consultation by KAT auditors
Approval / Integrity audits
Training auditors
-21 / +49 172 2121 078
Direct dial
-13 / -17
Email Form
* Mandatory fields
Press Office
Engel & Zimmermann AG
Unternehmensberatung für Kommunikation
Schloss Fußberg, Am Schlosspark 15
82131 Gauting
Tel. +49 89 893563-3
Fax: +49 89 893984-29